I was almost a victim, and I thank god every second of the day for the world ALMOST. I can’t imagine the pain of the victims and the horror they have to live with for the rest of their lives. Rapes will continue to go on as long as we as women are viewed as objects, liabilities, wife, girlfriends, sidekick, baby-mothers, sweethearts, or whatever they call us in whatever language. First, we must be thought of as humans. We have rights and a mind of our own. We as mothers have a responsibility to protect and educate our daughters and every female, family or not about rape, it’s prevention and how to protect ourselves. Thank you for this wonderful and informative information. It deserves all fifty claps. I wish everyone could read this article and that book by Sohaila Abdulali. I don’t know if my heart can take reading it. I will try though.