InILLUMINATIONbyAnnelise LordsDo Taggers Really Read Our Stories?Or do they tag us so that we could read theirs?Mar 23, 202439Mar 23, 202439
InILLUMINATIONbyAnnelise LordsEven Brain Chemicals Demand Balance Part IVReally? Endorphins are like Vitamin C? Can I overdose and still be alive?May 22, 202416May 22, 202416
InILLUMINATIONbyAnnelise LordsIf Humans Are Imperfect — Why Do We Expect AI To Be PerfectHumans' quest for perfection, allowed some of us to stop using our brains to their full capacity because they think AI is perfect!Jun 19, 202432Jun 19, 202432
InILLUMINATIONbyAnnelise LordsWhat The United Nations Should Know About POVERTY!Poverty is viewed as a charity, a gift or hand-out, the easy way out, etc., to some countries and people, denying life, living, and the…Sep 29, 202318Sep 29, 202318
InILLUMINATIONbyAnnelise LordsHow I Use Cerasee Tea and Eucalyptus Oil To Prevent Mosquito BitesJamaicans have been using the eucalyptus oil and cerasee for cures and remedies long before science found out its value.Oct 6, 202314Oct 6, 202314
InILLUMINATIONbyAnnelise LordsMany Businesses Are Adopting A Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell PolicyThey are aware of this ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,’ policy and use it to water their business, as if they were plants.Oct 10, 202323Oct 10, 202323
InILLUMINATIONbyAnnelise LordsKilling A Spouse!How do you tell children that their mother murdered their father for money?Oct 15, 202312Oct 15, 202312
InILLUMINATIONbyAnnelise LordsOur Differences Are Knowledge Not To Be Denied!In a heated discussion with a 23-year-old who believed that he should only surround himself with people who think like him.Oct 20, 202318Oct 20, 202318
InILLUMINATIONbyAnnelise LordsPrompt — Who or What Measure Your Success?“Why do you associate success with wealth and power?” the male demands.Oct 29, 202315Oct 29, 202315
InILLUMINATIONbyAnnelise LordsLiving For Me — An Unbalanced MarriageAre you one of the mothers who stopped living to raise children and a husband who didn’t grow up?Nov 6, 202322Nov 6, 202322
InILLUMINATIONbyAnnelise LordsSex and Water — Eight Glasses Per DayShe stared at him for a while, then said, “Years ago, you lived as if sex was water, and you need eight glasses per day.”Oct 24, 202380Oct 24, 202380
InILLUMINATIONbyAnnelise LordsWho Should Foot The Bill For The Search And Rescue of Ocean Gate Titan Search?Because this trip was for fun, and fascination do you think that your tax dollars should pay for the search and rescue of Ocean Gate Titan?Jul 4, 202315Jul 4, 202315
InILLUMINATIONbyAnnelise LordsPunished For SuccessI intend to provoke emotions and stir up deep thoughts hoping to incite love and understanding in your heart.Jun 27, 202316Jun 27, 202316
InILLUMINATIONbyAnnelise LordsWhy Life Catches You Off Guard Part IILife caught my family off guard, so I had to find ways to change that for my generation.Jun 15, 202317Jun 15, 202317
InILLUMINATIONbyAnnelise LordsIs There A Link Between Technology, Decreased Brain Use, Mental Health Issues, And Insanity?19 persons were burned to death for a cell phone!May 29, 20236May 29, 20236
InILLUMINATIONbyAnnelise LordsCan You Find Where You Are Going Without GPS?”“Unlike GPS, I have the experience, never get lost and don’t have to rely on a signal to direct me.”Jun 2, 20237Jun 2, 20237
InILLUMINATIONbyAnnelise LordsA Game Of Cards For A WifeIt was a game of fun. You took the pleasure out of it and showed a beautiful, intelligent, strong, successful female the worst part of you.May 25, 202311May 25, 202311
InILLUMINATIONbyAnnelise LordsIf You Want Results, Don’t Stick to Middle ManagementWhen you want results, do what Megan said her mom told her to do, “don’t stick to middle management, go to the top.”May 3, 202310May 3, 202310
InILLUMINATIONbyAnnelise LordsIs Life And Living A Death Trap For Certain Races?Are the ones continuing racism have any idea of the depth that their acts of discrimination bleed?May 4, 202317May 4, 202317
InILLUMINATIONbyAnnelise LordsHow Did Hatred For One Race Begin?What did my race do to be hated?Apr 27, 202321Apr 27, 202321