Member-only story
My door was ajar. I paused for a moment. Had Frank forgotten to close the door? Some bodyguard! I backed in my cart filled with clean laundry. I pushed the door closed, and before I could turn around, someone grabbed me from behind, and held a knife to my throat!
Chapter 20
“Make a sound and your next place of residence will be the morgue,” the voice cautioned. He pushed me into the living room, his knife still at my throat. Another male wearing blue jeans, grey hoody, full black sneakers, and a red ski-mask, pinned Frank to the floor. He was bloodied, moaning in pain and foaming from his nose and mouth.
They had beaten him badly. I guessed he must have left his black belt at home. What am I thinking, there is a knife at my throat!
“Where is it lady?” a gruff voice demanded.
“Where is what?” I screeched, paralyzed as I felt the cold sharp steel at my throat.
“The stuff you took from the storage in Coney Island.”
Oh my God! They knew. They wanted my birth certificate and the Diamond, but why?
“I don’t have . . .”
He tightened his hold on my neck and whispered in my right ear, “Yes you do, now where is it?”
Before I could answer, the guy who held Frank released him. He just laid there, still. Still as a graveyard at midnight.