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Poverty: Is it a State of Mind? A State of Being? Or is it just A State Pt. ll
My Study on Poverty in my Country.
This essay is not meant to demean or harm anyone, especially the poor. This is not proven or supported by any psychologist. It is simply an observation living a life of poverty among some of the poorest people in the world. The various organizations have been on the outside looking in. I am on the inside looking out and around.
Part 11
Born into poverty, many remain so, because they are convinced through mental conditioning that they will never own a house. They will always be poor, and consequently, they have no long-term plans. Many poor persons are poor because they don’t know any other way to live, therefore they continue living in poverty. While the rich grew up in wealth and only knows how-to live-in wealth. That’s why some commit suicide when their money runs out. (The poor never kills themselves because of poverty) Some poor persons will get millions and still end up back in poverty where they started.
Thursday, December 27, 2012, the front page of the Star, ‘woman seeks help for six kids. Her story is heart-wrenching. Four out of the six are sick, one lost sight in one of his eyes when he was three years old. He is thirteen years old now. The father has a disability, so…