Member-only story
The Healing Power Of The Mind
Spiritual Tree Weekly Prompt for June 5, 2021. ‘Healing’
Our bodies, minds, and souls can heal themselves, and sometimes all it takes is a simple thing as changing your thinking for mindset.
Retired NFL Hall of Famer Vince Colden was invited as a guest speaker at the Maxfield High School graduating class of 2020. Two hundred and thirty-five eager young minds asked lots of questions mainly related to sports. One female sat in the front listening to every question and answer, her eyes trained at Vince in deep thought. She furled and unfurled her brows at several of the queries and responses, always smiling.
Five minutes before his time was up, she raised her left hand in the air. Vince smiled and invites, “Yes, young lady.”
“My name is Cheyenne, and I was listening to the radio yesterday, and you were talking to Dj Firestorm on Max 106.9. You spoke about The Healing Power of The Mind.”
Vince smiled, thinking, ‘she is thinking more than her schoolmate. Very mature.’
“I didn’t get all of what you said. Could you please tell me more,” she asked.
Grinning like a schoolboy in love, Vince stepped back more than thirty years into his past and said, “I have been playing football from I could walk. I loved it, and I played every day. My tactic and…