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Thinking Economically

Annelise Lords
2 min readFeb 28, 2020
Money by Annelise Lords

I am a cheapskate, and I start by thinking economically and raise my children accordingly (thinking economically I mean). I buy nothing for full price and I set my own prices before I go shopping. I can tell you which wholesale Downtown Kingston that gives you the best prices in everything. When I go to the market, I walk a lot to get the best prices. I am also exercising, so I lose weight too. The market is not small here.

The farmers live in the country and they come to Kingston to sell their foods. After certain hours they need to get back home, so they cut prices if their goods aren’t finished. Saturday evenings are good times to go to the market. Evenings are perfect too. Rainy days are great too. The sellers want to go home so they cut prices too, even if it looks like it’s going to rain.

In New York, I follow the stores and supermarkets every week. I can tell my children which store has what on sale. We don’t go to the store to buy one thing. We make a list of what is need it each week, then shop. I am so cheap that whatever foods I like, I learn to cook it. I have my guinea pigs too. Lol. This way I spend less, save more, stay healthy and have more to eat. We do eat out sometimes, just to balance the thing, you know. But all finances are planned and organized.

In the process, I learn to bake too. I bake a mean Sweet Potato Pudding Jamaica Style…



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